Refund policy

Ugamedeal Refund policy

Don't like what you get? Read how to return goods to get a refund. If you have recently purchased an item through UGAMEDEAL and want a refund, this is the description you are looking for. The following is a complete list of information about what, when and how to apply for a refund.

What goods can I return for a refund ?

Games and merchandise you buy through Ugamedeal are generally refundable. If the game or item is marked“Non-refundable,” it does not qualify for a refund. Non-refundable goods including virtual currency, styling or other consumables 。 

If you receive a refund for the game, you will also receive a full refund for in-app purchases and downloadable content purchased for the game through Ugamedeal if it has not been consumed, changed or transferred 。  

When the goods can be refunded ?

Games and merchandise can be refunded within 14 days after purchase. However, your play record must not exceed 30 minutes. Items containing virtual currency, currency, styling or other consumables, as well as games or items marked“Non-refundable” are non-refundable.

If you are blocked from the game or product, or otherwise violate the terms of service, you can not refund the game or product. In addition, if UGAMEDEAL determines that you abuse the refund policy, you will not be able to refund 。

How can I ask for a refund ?

You can contact our official website Ugamedeal online customer service, and then send a refund application to request a refund 。

How will I receive a refund ?

Purchases are usually pre-set to refund the purchase to the payment method used at the time of purchase, but the actual situation will vary depending on the payment method. You can also get a refund with Ugamedeal in other ways. Please note that the time it takes to process a refund depends on your method of payment.

What to do with the advance order ?

You can cancel pre-orders and get a refund at any time before the official release date set by the publisher/developer at UGAMEDEAL. After the release of the game, if you have not played more than 30 minutes, you can request a refund within 14 days.

What if my latest purchase is on sale ?

In accordance with the above principles, you can buy the original full refund, and immediately re-purchase the same goods. We do not consider this a refund abuse 。 

If Ugamedeal judges you to be abusing the refund policy, you may not be able to get a refund. This policy exists to make it easy for you to buy, and to ensure that your money is spent only on games you are willing to pay for!

Last updated: July 152023
If UGAMEDEAL modifies this policy, any changes will apply to subsequent purchases.